November 26, 2009

Arriving At The Honolulu Mission

November 10, 2009

After a smooth flight we arrived in Honolulu to find our Mission President Steve Peterson and his sweet wife Kathy and their 2 assistants waiting for us.  There were 6 Elders on our flight, they helped us collect all our LUGGAGE and loaded it and us into trucks, vans and a car.  The Mission had arranged to pick up our car, which we had shipped two weeks earlier, and when we arrived at the Mission Home it was waiting for us in perfect condition.  I had worried about the car making it there, since it belongs to our daughter Marci.  They had us pose there at the Mission Home for the traditional "I got here safe" picture.

President and Sister Peterson with us at the Mission Home in Honolulu

"We got here safely" Photo that got sent to our children

After loading everything of ours in our car, and that was a TIGHT squeeze,  President and Sister Peterson  took us to dinner.  By the time we returned, it was dark and we were sent on our way to find our apartment.  They told us to stay on the H3 Highway and follow the signs, it was easy to find and  Elder Eubank would be waiting for us at the Temple Visitor's Center until 9:00.  Assuring them that we had a GPS to get us there safely, they led us to the Gas Station and waved goodbye.  Of course we could not find the GPS.  (I thought it had been stolen from our luggage, but found it the next week in the little case with our camera recharging cords.)

After going a distance following the signs, it began to rain and then a downpour was making it hard to even see the road.  We couldn't figure the defrosters out and could hardly see any signs.  Luckily, by that time, there was only one road we could take.  The route we took was on a different side of the Island than when we had been here before.  The Ocean was on my right and I was sure it was supposed to be my LEFT!  I just knew we were lost!

We FINALLY arrived in Leia at about 9:30 p.m. This was 12:30 a.m. Salt Lake time.  It had taken us so long because of the rain, that the Visitor's Center was closed.  We were driving around trying to find our address, when Elder Eubank found us and led us to where we were to live.  All the Senior Missionaries came and helped us unload our LUGGAGE, left a plate of cookies and brownies and said Goodnight.  We were so THANKFUL to just FINALLY be here, we just found our toothbrushes and went to bed.

Leaving Home

November 10, 2009

We didn't expect it would be so hard to leave for our mission.  We didn't want anyone to come to the airport with us it would be toooooo hard.  We got together as a family on Sunday evening at our son Steve's house and it was fun, but hard to say goodbye!  We packed each suitcase about four times and kept weighing them until we thought they weighed 50 lbs. each.  There were four big suitcases and two golf bags (I call them body-bags, because they are so big).  Stevie took us to the airport, but when we got there our bags were all over weight.  We spent a lot of time rearranging everything, so that only one was overweight.  We only had to pay $250.00 each for our luggage (they really penalize you for the 3rd bag.)  I had to put other things in our carry-on case, so I put our large Digital Photo Frame in my pillowcase with my pillow, yes I brought my pillow.

Then when we went to check in at security, I couldn't find my Driver's license.  Steve went back to where we checked in but they couldn't find it.  About this time I started to cry, we hadn't brought our Passports, so I figured I would not be able to get on the plane.  Maybe the Missionary badges helped, because a nice man in Security let me through with my "Costco Picture ID" (I should write them and tell them how much their card helped me, but then the Security guy would probably get fired.)

 We arrived at the gate as they were boarding, so we couldn't go to the restrooms or buy anything to eat for the plane flight.  I had only gotten 2 to 3 hours sleep the last two nights and I was tired and nervous, so when I sat down in my seat, I wasn't sure I really wanted to go on this mission, if everything was going to be so hard.  Luckily the plane has "restrooms" and we could BUY Lunch.