November 21, 2009


Eating at the MTC is so interesting!  They feed close to 2000 missionaries 3 times a day.  They have 3 different times for each meal and if you are sitting there when a new bunch comes, they look like starving ants.  The Cafeteria is nice and clean.  The food is definitely geared for younger people, but good.  You have a little card you swipe and you can eat all you want for about $4.00.  After seeing the size of some of the Missionaries I decided that this was a very good plan.   On Wednesdays the new missionaries come and it is very exciting because they have ice cream (all you want with toppings) both for Lunch and Dinner.  They also had Steak for dinner.  I guess they want them to be happy to be there.

This is the Cafeteria Empty and locked

This is one end

And this is the other end

It was fun seeing all the young missionaries.  They really looked sooooo young!  And they were so nice to us, opening doors and letting us in line.  We had a Fireside and Elder L. Tom Perry spoke, we were seated early, down in the front of this big Auditorium, when they opened the doors in the back upper floor, it sounded like a Stampede, not because the missionaries were running, but because there were so many of them, 1950.  The music was beautiful and to hear 2000 missionaries sing Called To Serve, gave me goose bumps.

The whole experience at the MTC was very SPIRITUAL.  The lessons and lecturers were wonderful and helped us learn what we needed to do.  We had volunteers come for us to practice teaching the discussions to and that was scary and amazing.  I learned that I already knew what I needed to know, and our young missionary trainers, taught us how to present what we knew.  We also practiced the information for the visitor's Center we were going to and that helped me know what to do when I got to Hawaii.


This is an original copy of the first publishing of the Book of Mormon

The Traditional Missionary Picture showing the location of our call

These are the Teels who are going to the PCC in Hawaii

This is the whole group of Senior Couples that we were with in the MTC, they were going all over the world and we enjoyed getting to know them.  We felt so blessed that we were going to our Hawaii assignment.  Maybe a little guilty even, until one of  the Leadership Sisters told us that we should not feel that way.  Many that were there also had either requested or been invited to serve in their areas and that was the way the Lord arranges things.  We were going where we were called because that was where the Lord wanted us to serve.

These are our the Young training Missionaries who work at the MTC

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