November 15, 2009

Opening Our Mission Call

On August 22, 2009 we opened our mission call while vacationing with our entire family (yes all 45 of us) at a lodge in Bear Lake, Utah.  We had been waiting for 4 weeks for our call to arrive and when our son Mike had to come later in the week, he brought it with him.  We were really worried about where we would go.

When we opened the letter and read the "Hawaiian Temple Visitor's Center" a cheer erupted from everyone and of course I cried.  We are a little nervous, but soooo excited.  Our children and grandchildren have been  GREAT, encouraging us to go and assuring us that all will be well at home.  We know this is the right thing to do, we are very grateful to have the opportunity to show the Lord how much we love Him and how much we appreciate all His many blessings.  This will be a challenge for our family, but we know they will be there for each other and hope it will bring them closer together.  We are honored to represent the Church as missonaries.

1 comment:

  1. It looks so cute. You did a good job. If I get to see pics on here it will make you being gone not so hard. I love you!
